Все публикации

Pinta nubes impresionantes en solo 2 minutos

Los mejores consejos y trucos de pintura para principiantes

This Painting Cost the King His Life

Probé una nueva técnica, ¡no creerás los resultados que logré!

Una manera fácil para pintar el agua - 19

The Most Expensive Color in the World, Is It Worth It?

Aceites, solventes y medios en la pintura al óleo


Essential Greens to Improve Your Art

Who Said It: Ninja Turtle or Renaissance Artist?

Aprende a pintar al óleo hoy!

Concursos? Ganando como siempre

La técnica secreta de los viejos maestros - 21

The Saddest Painting in the World

This Painting Hides a Dark Secret

This Painting Is Not as Innocent as It Seems

5 Things I Learned About Color in 20 Years of Painting

5 Tips to Get Perfect Mixes

How to Perfect Matching Colors

Essential Reds to Improve Your Art

No One Gets the Ending of Jurassic Park

Why You Need Orange Right Now

Qué es una Velatura?