Все публикации

Did you know Mount Edith Cavell is named after a British Nurse? #canada #rockies #british

Did you know Walgreens once sold prescription whiskey in the US? #whiskey #ushistory #prohibition

Irish Tea Consumption #tea #ireland

Did you know the flow of Water to Niagara Falls is reduced during the night? #shorts #niagarafalls

Did you know America’s most iconic symbol was originally meant to be an Egyptian woman? #usa

Did you know Canada only officially became independent from Britain in 1982? #shorts #canada

In 1967 Sweden switched from driving on the left hand side to right hand side #shorts #sweden

The Great Pyramid of Giza Facts #shorts #pyramid

Did you know the French fries are not actually French? #shorts #fries

Did you know Adolf Hitler was stateless for 7 years? #shorts #ww2

Did you know the Icelandic horse is the purest of all breeds? #shorts #iceland

Did you know the world is facing a shortage of Sand? #shorts #construction

Did you know why the Brits put milk in their Tea? #shorts #tea #british

Did you know Antarctica doesn’t belong to any country? #shorts #antarctica #southpole

Who invented the lightbulb? | Was it Thomas Edison

54 percent of Russian population is female? #shorts #russia #russian

MLK’s birth name was Michael not Martin? #shorts #mlk

Did you know bikini swimsuit was named after islands U.S used for nuclear testing? #shorts #bikini

Did Norway introduced Salmon Sushi to Japan? #shorts #sushi #japan

Mongolia has more horses than people? #shorts #mongolia #mongolempire

Did you know two teenagers created the famous DC character Superman? #shorts #dccomics #superman

Supernova | The Death of a Star

Abraham Lincoln created Secret service hours before his assassination? #shorts #history

Which US States have the lowest literacy rates? #shorts #literacy #education