Все публикации

Plan, Pay & Ride with Moovit MaaS

Moovit - Real Betis - ONCE : Accessibility partnership

MoovitAV - Autonomous Ride-Sharing Services by Mobileye & Moovit

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MOT Google 1920x1080

SMART Quick Connect (Microtransit service), powered by Moovit On-Demand

Moovit - one app to get anywhere in your city with peace of mind

How to Use Moovit to Plan, Pay, and Ride with Public Transit Across Ohio and Northern Kentucky

Su planificador de viajes web gratuito y personalizado

Keynote conversation with Nir Erez at CoMotion Miami 2020

Moovit's Free Web Trip Planner

Planejador de Viagens Gratuito do Moovit

Il pianificatore di viaggio gratuito di Moovit per le aziende di trasporto pubblico

El planificador web gratuito de Moovit - Moovit's Free Web Trip Planner

Moovit Welcomes You Back to the New Normal

Turn Your Fleet into an Emergency On-Demand Transit Service in One Week

Moovithon #2 winning project - 'Where is my stop?' powered by AR

Moovit: Looking Back on 2019

Moovit TimePro demo - The most accurate real time vehicle location solution