Все публикации

Example of bounded sequence that does NOT converge

Prove that (i / 2)^n converges to zero

a_n goes to infinity?

Proof that 3+2i + (0.8+0.5i)^n converges.

Proof that c^n goes to zero when c is between 0 and 1

Proof of going to infinity

Proof that (n-1)/(n+1) converges to 1

Definition of convergence of a sequence

Bounded definition and examples

Recursive definitions of sequences

Rotation and scaling by complex multiplication

Examples of sequences

Pascal’s triangle practice

Nth roots of unity

What are sequences?

Babylonian sequence from linear approximation

Square root of 2 is irrational. Proof.

Other exponentials, like 2 to the z, z complex

Taylor series at a point

U substitution as a change in volume factor

Log as an inverse and an integral

Inverse functions and derivatives

Prove unit circle at unit speed, exponential e^it

Cos and sin and complex exponential, setup