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Here’s a huge stone filled with tiny Jurassic sea shell fossils🦕 🌎

Fossil Hunting Along An Ancient Beach! 🏝️ Searching For Ammonites, Bones, Fish And More!

We found three awesome cephalopod fossils! 🦕 🌅 Which Jurassic fossil was your favourite? 🦑🌎

Opening a Jurassic limestone nodule! 🏝️ This stone turned out to contain something extraordinary!🤯

Here are some Jurassic rocks that we found and opened up on the beach🏝🌊

We found this hidden within a huge boulder! 🏝️ Jurassic fossil is over 180 Million Years Old! 🌅

Here is a spherical rock that we found embedded within shale! We opened it with our geology hammer.

We opened this block of Jurassic shale while hunting for fossils on the beach! 🐬

We came across multiple rocks on a recent beach walk! Inside, some stunning fossils! 😵‍💫😱🦑⚒️

We Excavated A SQUID Fossil! 🦑 🤯

Shale Examined For A Gorgeous Cephalopod! 🤯

We Opened Rocks By A FRESH Cliff Fall! 🫣

This Soft Shale HIDES A Fossil! Fossil Hunting On A Pebble Beach 🤯

Hidden beneath soft shale, we found a limestone rock! 🪨 This contained a beautiful fossil!

Here are some Jurassic rocks that we opened up on the beach 🏝🌊 All roughly 180 million years old!

We opened a Jurassic nodule! This perfect stone turned out to contain something extraordinary! 🤯

Here’s one of our Golden Nodules 😍🤯 The large nodule has an outer coating of Iron Pyrite 💎🔬

We came across multiple golden rocks on a recent beach walk! We opened the stones up to reveal… 😱

We came across a fresh shale landslide! 🏝️ We found an unusual calcified Belemnite

Here is a golden pyritic rock that we found and opened up on the beach🏝🌊

Crystal Nautilus! Mind-Blowing Fossil Finds You Must See!

We SPLIT OPEN Sediment And Found This Insane Cephalopod Fossil!

Fossil Leg Bone From A CROCODILE Found Whilst Coastal Hunting ! 🦴 🐊

We found not one, but TWO gorgeous ammonite fossils! 🤯