Все публикации

How to Install Java, Jetty, and MySQL on Windows (Servlet + JSP)

How to install Java, Apache Tomcat and MySQL on Windows (Servlet + JSP)

Running Amazon Linux on Virtual Machine (VMware)

Flutter - Installation (Android Studio)

How to Install WCMP (Windows, Caddy, MySQL and PHP) Manually

How to Install WLMP (Windows, LightTPD, MySQL and PHP) Manually

How to Install WAPP (Windows, Apache, PostgreSQL and PHP) Manually

WAMP (MariaDB) - Install phpMyAdmin

How to Install WAMP (Windows, Apache, MariaDB and PHP) Manually

WAMP (MySQL) - Install phpMyAdmin

How to Install WAMP (Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP) Manually

Windows - Package Manager : Scoop Installation Custom Directory

Puppy Linux - Wine Installation (Ms. Office and Adobe Photoshop)

QEMU - Installation on Windows (Intel HAXM)

CentOS 8 Server - #10.2 Install PgAdmin 4 on Apache

CentOS 8 Server - #10.1 Install pgAdmin 4 on Nginx

CentOS 8 Server - #9.2.2 Python - PostgreSQL Database Connection (Apache)

CentOS 8 Server - #9.2.1 Python - MySQL Database Connection (Apache)

ContOS 8 Server - #9.2 Install Python on Apache

CentOS 8 Server - #9.1.2 Python - PostgreSQL Database Connection (uWSGI - Nginx)

CentOS 8 Server - #9.1.1 Python - MySQL Database Connection (uWSGI - Nginx)

CentOS 8 Server - #9.1 Install Python on Nginx

CentOS8 Server - #8.1 Install phpPgAdmin

CentOS 8 Server - #8 Install PostgreSQL