Все публикации

A quick start guide to data research

Student Lawyers: The Value of Pro Bono

UWE Futures: Empowering students and improving social and ethnic diversity in the regional workforce

Mastering your assessments: A quick guide to top marks

5 essential tools for new students

The benefits of using rubrics

Creating effective marking rubrics: a quick guide

Ask the Expert: A networking event for Accounting and Finance students

Transforming a module with Microsoft Teams

Making a study plan (that you'll actually stick to)

What is feedback?

5 ideas for great teaching videos

5 quick tips for your exams

What is a TOWS Analysis?

What is peer review?

5 tips for educational podcasts

5 ideas for creative assessments

5 essential websites for students

The Unleadership Movement with Prof Carol Jarvis and Dr Bernard Tawiah (WIWIK 2023)