Все публикации

Self- improvement overload #2025goals

Starting a podcast at ages 48 and 58 #anythingispossible #followyourdreams #season2

Treatment for ADHD its symptoms and Solutions for Kids with ADHD from Dr. Scott Shannon

Is functional medicine too expensive? #functionalmedicine

Could our modern lifestyle be making menopause worse? #perimenopause

Healthy eating doesn’t equal weight loss?!#weightlossforwomen #fitover40women

Eye-opening Reason We’re Not Losing Weight #weightlossforwomen

Do you eat nonorganic wheat? #makeamericahealthyagain

Should you train in a fasted state? #musclebuilding #fitwomenover40

Workout and Nutrition Strategies you Need after 40 with Fitness Coach Katie Koutnik

We are for women who want to look good, feel good and age strong. #agepositive #40plus #fiftyplus

How can women make peace with their body in midlife? #dietculture

Do you reward yourself with food? #emotionaleating

3 Reasons You Can’t Reach your Health Goals

To achieve success in any endeavor start detecting your small wins. #successhabits #womenempowerment

Dealing with uncertainty and fear over election #womenshealth #notanallornothingmindset #podcast

Please give me sugar and carbs #sleepdeprivation #weightlossforwomen

Fitness and women 40plus.I’m 58 and my goal is to age strong. #womenwholift #strongmoms #women40plus

Why sleep matters for weight loss and brain health #womenover40

#guthealth Secrets Women Over 40 Should Know

Always bloated? Try this. #guthealth #womenover40

Gut Health Secrets Women Over 40 Should Know

Write down your wins each Friday #weightlossmotivation

Overweight, but barely eating? This is why. #weightlossforwomen #over40women