Все публикации

A Wee Bit of Scotch, Songs by Gertrude Niesen

There I Go, Songs by Gertrude Niesen

Jim, Songs by Gertrude Niesen

The Texas Strip, with Margie Beeler

Never Water a Lily with Wine, with June Burnette

Lydia, with Rudy Vallée

Bones For Cash

Mickey Mouse Hawaiian Holiday

Westinghouse Electric Dryer Commercial

Sinbad the Sailor

The Kills - The Good Ones

The Kills - Fried My Little Brains

The Kills - Cheap and Cheerful

The Kills - Wait

The Kills - Tape Song

The Kills - Kissy Kissy

The Kills - Last Day of Magic

The Kills - Sour Cherry

The Kills - Pull A U

The Kills - U.R.A. Fever

The Kills - No Wow

The Dead Weather - Are 'Friends' Electric?

Triple Amputee

The Kills, Live at The Basement, Goodnight Bad Morning