Все публикации

Transpose of a matrix |Teaching at my Govt school | Random video

Age Word Problems| Trick concept and Formula | Detailed

Age Word problems for job tests | Concept tricks and Formula

Problem on ages| Age word problems| Tricks shortcut Concept Formula

Age Word Problems | Find the present age of | job test

Age Word problems| Age Problems| Find age

Percentage short Trick| Find percentage of | Important For Job Test

Percentage Short Problems|Important For Job Test

IQ Test Alphabet |For Job Test|Sindh police| Army navy air force

IQ maths| For Job Test | sindh police| Army navy air force

Olympiad Math| Can you solve this? | Exponential Problem

Olympiad Math | Exponential Equation| Can you solve this

A nice Exponential Math Problem| Algebra Problem| Can you solve this | Find x| 3^2x = 9

A nice Exponential Problem Math | algebra| Can you Solve this| Find x | Math Olympiad

All Important Basic Algebra Formulae | Class 7th to 10th

STBB | Maths Class 10| Properties on sets| Ex 17.3 sts sst spsc nts jobs tests Stbb Sindhi

STBB | Maths Class 10 | Ex 17.2 Question 4 complete | sts sst spsc nts jobs tests Stbb Sindhi

STBB | Maths Class 10 | Ex 17.2 Question 4 complete | sts sst spsc nts jobs tests Stbb Sindhi

Mixed Operations on Sets| Lecture 12| Ex 17.2 Part 3 | sts sst spsc nts jobs tests Stbb Sindhi

Operations on Sets| Lecture 11| Ex 17.2 Part 2 | Union Interesction Difference Symmetric Stbb Sindhi

Identify Sets | Lecture 10 | Ex 17.2 | Part 1 | Disjoint | Overlapping | Exhaustive | Cells

Important laws on sets for MCQs | SST SPSC | Class X Maths | Lecture 9 | Stbb in Sindhi

Disjoint | Overlapping | Exhaustive | Cells | Class X Maths | Lecture 8 | Stbb in Sindhi

Operations on Sets | Sets and Functions| Class X | Lecture 7 | SST