Все публикации

Integer Programming: Logical Conditions with Binary Variables in Excel Solver

Integer Programming: Budget Allocation with Excel Solver (Knapsack Problem)

Linear Programming: Shortest Path with Excel Solver (Network Flows Part 4)

Linear Programming: Transshipment with Excel Solver (Network Flows Part 3)

Linear Programming: Assignment with Excel Solver (Network Flows Part 2)

Linear Programming: Transportation with Excel Solver (Network Flows Part 1)

Linear Programming: Blending/Mixing with Excel Solver (Flexible Recipe)

Linear Programming: Blending/Mixing with Excel Solver (Fixed Recipe)

When to Be Proactive: Looking at COVID19 and Similar Situations

A First Linear Programming Example: The Farmer Problem with Excel Solver (REVISITED)

A First Linear Programming Example: Lego Furniture with Excel Solver

Linear Programming: Investment with Excel Solver

How to Read Excel Solver's Sensitivity Report

Monte Carlo Simulation in Excel: Long-Term Value of a Customer

Monte Carlo Simulation in Excel: Financial Planning Example

How to Get a Shadow Price for a Bound Constraint with Excel Solver

Linear Programming: Cash Flow with Excel Solver

Introduction to Decision Trees in Excel (TreePlan Add-In)

Introduction to Monte Carlo Simulation (Conceptual)

Dynamic Programming in Excel: The Secretary Problem