Все публикации

Hiljaisella järvellä syyskuun sunnuntaina 2022

Roaming the Loon Waters at The Uninhabited Lake

Lepaanvirran lyhyt kevätmelonta Vanajalla

Stitching a Greenland SOF Kayak 'Ogitsoq'

Grönlanninhybridin melontaa Lietveden hullunhelteellä 2021

Juhannusviikon helleilta Lietvedellä

Ei yltiöpäisyyttä ainakaan täällä

Getting to Know the Uninhabited Lake in a Kayak without much Vertigo

All Unexpected Wide Open at the Uninhabited Lake

Diver Loons object a Kayak Paddler at The Uninhabited Lake

Split between Two Worlds in a Kayak

Empty Wondering at the Uninhabited Lake

The Ever-Lasting Last Chance at Lake Vanaja

The Föhn Winds blowing Polar at the Great Vanaja Basin

Shoveling off the Remains of Summer at Lake Vanaja

Easily embracing the Future Open at Lake Vanaja Basin

Wonder if Heinrich comprehended something in 1942 at Lake Vanaja

Two Kayaks Circumventing Selkäsaaret Islands II

Two Kayaks Circumventing Selkäsaaret Islands at Vanaja Basin

In the Fall - Is it always the Same? - Paddling at Aulanko Resort

A Kayaker approaches Sheep Island by Merve Basin at Lake Vanaja

Kurotan vain vähän Hopeakalliolle grönlanninkajakissa

Waking up Brightly at the Uninhabited Lake

Kayakers Deciphering Pälkäne in the Horizon