Все публикации

Do you see yourself as an activist? Nobel Laureate Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

'I think it's rather foolish to gamble in science' - Tim Hunt, Nobel Laureate

What is your outlook on collaboration? Françoise Barré-Sinoussi

Peter Agre on his work beyond the Nobel Prize, including science diplomacy and human rights

Public health research in a connected world, Nobel Laureate Barry Marshall

What are your views on high-throughput biology? Peter Doherty

How do you keep the big picture in mind? Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt

Have you ever had to give up on an experiment? Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt

Why did you choose to study biochemistry at Cambridge? Tim Hunt

'In some things you just have to do it and then say I'm sorry' - Nobel Laureate Barry Marshall

What do you do when your experiments aren't working? Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt

'Anyone who worries about their career probably shouldn't be in science' - Tim Hunt, Nobel Laureate

Elizabeth Blackburn explains how she learnt to give a good talk

An unusual impact a Nobel Laureate's work - Barry Marshall

'When I was a graduate student we didn't have a Xerox machine' Tim Hunt

'Once you make a discovery, it's everybody's' - Peter Agre, Nobel Laureate

'To make a discovery, it has to be an accident' - Tim Hunt, Nobel Laureate

When is it time to change direction? Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt

'You can't say 'I've done the job and I'm going to go home'' - Elizabeth Blackburn

'I still lie awake and worry about funding for the lab' - Elizabeth Blackburn

How should you choose a postdoc position? Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt

Should scientists be secretive about their work? Nobel Laureate Tim Hunt

'It's really hard to learn something that's true about the world' - Craig Mello

The hardest challenge is switching to something else, Craig Mello, Nobel Laureate