Все публикации

#Surah At Takaathur (The Rivalry in world increase )#beautiful #surah

#Surah Al Hashr (The Exile ) Nature Clips

#Surah Al Falaq(The Daybreak )#beautiful #surah

#Surah Al Insan(Human )# beautifulsurah

#Surah Al Asr(The Time)#beautiful #surah #quranrecitation

#Start your day with #Powerful Dua,

#beautiful #Dua

#Be kind to others

#Surah Al Ikhas(The Sincerity )# beautiful #surah #quran#recitation

#Surah Al Fil (The Elephant )#beautifulsurah #quran #recitation

#Surah Ash-Shams (The Sun]#beautiful #surah #quranrecitation

#Surah Al Ala(The Most High )#beautiful #recitation #surah

#Sura, Al Rad [TheThunder ) #beautiful #surah # quranrecitation

#Surah As Saff[ Those who set the Ranks]#beautiful #surah #quranrecitation

#Sura Faatir[Originator ]#beautiful #surah#quranrecitation

#surah Al iklas [The Sincerity ]#beautiful #quranrecitation

#Surah Al Falaq [The Daybreak ]#beautiful #sura # quranrecitation

#Surah Luqman #beautiful # quranrecitation

#surah Al Nisa [the women] #beautiful #recitation #surah #quranrecitation

#Surah Al Masad[The Palm Fiber] Beautiful #surah #quran recitation

#beautifulsurah #quranrecitation

purification of the heart ❤️

#surah al israa [The night journey ] #beautiful #surah #quranrecitation