Все публикации

Dr. Edith Eva Eger, Ph.D. - Sages & Scientists 2014

Deepak Chopra - Feeding America San Diego (PSA)

The Power of One! - Efren Penaflorida, Jr.

Zoë Keating - Creating a universe through evocative music

Zoë Keating- Creating a universe through evocative music

Bruce Vaughn - Happy people make the world a better place

Panel V The Future of Wellbeing

Shiva Ayyadurai- The Rosetta Stone of Ayurveda systems health

Devendra Banhart Performance 3

Devendra Banhart Performance 2

Devendra Banhart

Dr. Rudolph E. Tanzi- What can Alzheimer's disease teach us about the brain,mind, and self?

Thomas Insel- Brain: Exploring inner space

Steven Steinhubl- Wearing your emotions on your sleeve, literally.

Josephine Briggs- Science & Meditation: time to pay attention

Keith Black- Healthcare Tsunami: An aging population's congnitive decline

Jack Andraka- Tapping into the hidden innovator: an open access story

Bernardo Kastrup- If not materialism, then what?

Anirban Bandyopadhyay- Where does music exist?

Pim van LommelNonlocal Consciousness: A concept based on scientific studies in NDE

Panel III Science and Consciousness

Emily King - In My Evolution

Emily King - Good Friend

Emily King - Distance