Все публикации

L18. Implement LRU Cache

L9. Sum of Subarray Minimum | Stack and Queue Playlist

L1. Introduction to Stack and Queue | Implementation using Data Structures

L4. Jump Game - I | Greedy Algorithm Playlist

L4. Max Consecutive Ones III | 2 Pointers and Sliding Window Playlist

L2. Maximum Points You Can Obtain from Cards | 2 Pointers and Sliding Window Playlist

L3. Check if a Number if Prime or not | Maths Playlist

Don't watch my A2Z DSA Course

L23. Merge two sorted Linked Lists

L25. Merge K Sorted Lists | Multiple Approaches

System Design Roadmap. Special thanks to @gkcs for helping with this one ♥️

What caused facebook to go down?

TODO: Add this chrome extension for your internship and placement season

Crack high paying MAANG jobs with Newton Edge

Update on A2Z DSA course!

BS-18. Allocate Books or Book Allocation | Hard Binary Search

BS-17. Aggressive Cows | Binary Search Hard

BS-16. Kth Missing Positive Number | Maths + Binary Search

BS-15. Capacity to Ship Packages within D Days

BS-13. Minimum days to make M bouquets | Binary Search

BS-14. Find the Smallest Divisor Given a Threshold | Binary Search

BS-11. Find the Nth root of an Integer

BS-10. Finding Sqrt of a number using Binary Search

BS-9. Find Peak Element