Все публикации

Why Was Russia So Anxious to Get Rid of Sinaiticus?

What's Missing & Changed & Why It's Important

Jesuits, Part 7: Titanic: A Perfect Storm

The Big Picture: Vaticanus, Sinaiticus & the End Times Bible

Who Are 'The Rest of the Dead' in Revelation 20?

Three Simple Questions on the End Time

2.6 Million Chick Tracts Loaded into Ocean Container for the Philippines!

How the King James Bible Stands Alone

'Turning the Tables on the Doubters'

Five Million Views

“I'm forever grateful for that little tract…”

Chick Tract Testimonies

Chick Tract Evangelism

My Testimony - David W Daniels

Hear From the Artist: David W. Daniels

A Quick Update from Chick Publications

Jesuits, Part 6: Jesuits and the End Times

KJV Q&A with David Daniels live

1 Million Chick Tracts Delivered to Missionary in Papua New Guinea

O the Deep Deep Love of Jesus

318 What I don't believe about a pre trib rapture

Why I Believe in a Pre Trib Rapture

Jesuits, Part 5: Jesuits' Plans for England

Jesuits, Part 4: Out of the Shadows