Все публикации

How to add hard subtitles to a video file using ffmpeg and whisper ai.

Using Python to simulate the Moran Process with Nashpy

A formula for the fixation probability for Moran processes with 2 types.

The Moran process on 2 types: a mathematically tractable model.

The Moran process with mutation

Selection probabilities for the Moran process on a game

Evolutionary stability of the Replicator Dynamics Equations

Stability of the replicator dynamics equation.

Moran processes and games: fitness functions from games.

The definition of the Moran process

Modelling evolution in a discrete population: motivating the Moran process

Using Python to solve the Replicator Dynamics Equation with Nashpy

Allowing for mutation in evolution: the replicator mutation dynamics equations.

A mathematical model of evolution: the replicator dynamics equations.

Evolution of aggression and sharing: the replicator dynamics with the Hawk Dove Game

Using Python to study the Iterated Prisoners Dilemma with the Axelrod library.

Axelrod's tournaments: a first computational case of understanding the emergence of cooperation.

The general form of the Prisoners Dilemma

Repeating the Prisoners Dilemma twice: does cooperation emerge?

Using Python to study Repeated Game with Nashpy

The impact of reputation: Nash Equilibria in Repeated Games

Mapping histories to actions: strategies in repeated games.

The definition of a Repeated Game

Repeating the coordination game: repeated games as extensive form games.