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Clearing Japanese Knotweed in Marlyn Park: The second year begins.

It twasn't what it wasn't until what it wasn't bore a striking resemblance to what it was.

Uncovering an interesting place in the forest after I remove the japanese knotweed.

Clearing japanese knotweed from a Philadelphia suburb park. It isn't growing back much!

Killing Japanese Knotweed in Marlyn Park, Lansdowne Pennsylvania

Killing Invasive Species in Reservoir Park Lansdowne. Japanese Knotweed has its days numbered!

Pressure Washing, but I didn't have the tool I needed, so it's going on the second channel instead!

A Litter Bit at a Time 07: Trying to get organized, and collecting data on the town.

A Litter Bit at a Time 6: Cleaning up the back alley all the way! No more trash! No more dumping!

Lumber in Pennsylvania December 2022: Bug-eaten fir, broken grey rotten 2x8s. I'll keep my money...

A Litter Bit At A Time 03: Litter cleaning shows improvements. Reducing the litter in circulation.

A Litter Bit At A Time 02: It's raining, there's litter, and I'm cleaning it up! Making a change.

A Litter Bit At A Time 01: Picking up litter and trash around town makes me annoyed!

Parked Thoughts 14: How to lie to your friend, family, or spouse, when it is required for compromise

ParkedThoughts 11: I feel like I was made for a different world, or a different time.

Parked Thoughts 09: Continuing through unhappiness is difficult and painful.

Parked Thoughts 07: I don't feel at home in a house or apartment, what option does that leave me?

Parked Thoughts 03: I don't want to live in this world, I just want to visit from time to time.

Parked Thoughts 02: You have to buy into a particular fantasy in order to enjoy this world.

Parked Thoughts 01: The internet is a terrible counselor. Don't ask it advice.

Personal Bits 0398: PS4 case plastic reflects and filters polarized light of monitor through glasses

Remember that giant sinkhole in Mexico in 2021? Here's what happened to it, and how it looks today!

Personal Bits 0397: Cute sparrows taking a dust bath (Are they sparrows?)

Personal Bits 0396: Sharkbite copper pipe solder valves leak. Lowe's vs Home Depot