Все публикации

Hackium Release video originally given in the AppSec Village at Defcon 28

Hackium Preview: The REPL

Social Distancing Video Podcast! How to identify fraud and abuse

How to bypass reCAPTCHA with Puppeteer and Headless Chrome

How to use puppeteer on Google Cloud Functions

Why are data breaches and other attacks so common?

Do you *really* need unique passwords everywhere?

I'm gonna be in Amsterdam at JSNation!

How do you use a seeded random number generator in JavaScript?

Console Secrets: 5 Chrome DevTools Console APIs you probably aren't using!

Getting started with node.js on Google Cloud Functions - console & gcloud cli

Use React to build CLI apps! What is Ink? - npm Weekly Highlights

What is bcrypt & pbkdf2 & password security in general? - npm Weekly Highlights

How do man-in-the-browser attacks work?

What is npx? - Weekly npm package highlights

What is Puppeteer? Weekly npm Package Highlights

Weekly (non-npm) highlights : jq the command line json processor

Intercept requests and responses with Chrome Devtools Protocol (UPDATES IN DESCRIPTION)

npm Package Highlights - write-good & remark-lint

npm Package Highlights - jaro winkler

npm Package Highlights - node-random-name

npm Package Highlights - Unminify

npm Package Highlights - Parcel Web Application Bundler

Get Started with Headless Chrome and Puppeteer