Все публикации

Poza bańką. Odcinek 5: Mikołaj 'Jaok' Janusz - Przebijanie baniek w ujęciu praktycznym

Poza bańką. Odcinek 4: Jakub Dymek i Marcin Giełzak (Dwie Lewe Ręce) - Czy Podkasty Zbawią Media?

Poza bańką. Odcinek 3: Jan Śpiewak (Wiadomości z Końca Świata, Lewy do Lewego)

Poza bańką. Odcinek 2: Karol Modzelewski (NEWSY BEZ WIRUSA)

Poza bańką. Odcinek 1: Szymon Pękala (Wojna Idei, Szymon Mówi)

50. IEA: Comparative static of the customer model: increase in the price of good x

12.5 Panel Data Regression Models: Unit root testing and cointegration analysis

The Amazing Number e and the Natural Exponential Function

66. Sufficiency Theorems in Nonlinear Programming

62. IEA: Graphical interpretation of Kuhn-Tucker conditions

65. IEA: Example of a solution of minimization problem with ineqality constraints

64. IEA: Example of maximization with inequality constraint - a customer choice problem

61. The effects of inequality constraints and Kuhn-Tucker conditions

63. IEA: Kuhn-Tucker conditions in the case of n variables and m constraints

60. IEA: Introduction to nonlinear programming and nonnegativity restrictions

59. IEA: Cobb-Douglas production function as a special case of CES production function

58. IEA: CES production function

56. IEA: Homothetic functions

55. IEA: The expansion path for general and Cobb Douglas production function

54. IEA: Cost minimising combination of inputs

53. IEA: Cobb-Douglas production function and its properties

52. IEA: Properties of linearly homogenous functions

51. IEA: Introduction to homogenous functions

49. IEA: Comparative static of the customer model: increase in income