Все публикации

Sphere ch.6(Basic concepts)

Excercise 2.1 example 2(tracing of conic)

Example excercise 2.1(Tracing of conic)

Tracing of a conic(ch.2)

Excercise 1.4(example)

Some definitions and Articles of excercise 1.4

To find the length, equation of axes,Letus rectum and tangent at the vertex of parabola.

Excercise 1.2

To find length, equation of axes, eccentricity,foci, directrices of the conic

Some questions of experience 1.1

Working Rule to find the Nature of the curve and related questions

solid Geometry Lecture 2 some theorem and results

4 January 2022

Functionally dependent ch.1 (ex.1.2)

Some examples ex.3.3 Bsc 2nd

Orthogonality of legendre's polynomial Bsc 2nd

Examples of ex.3.2 Bsc2nd

Recurrence relations ch.3 ex.3.2

Some examples of ex. 3.1

Problems on legendre's polynomial and Generating function ch.3

Jacobians ch.1(real and complex analysis)

Deduction of Bessel's function (J0(x),J1(x),J1/2(x),J-1/2(x))

Bessel's equations ch.2(results and theorem)

Solution of Bessel's equations (ch.2) Bsc 2nd