Все публикации

pixel art of Dandelion

pixel art of Peony

Students of 7th Primary School of Thebes bring their drawings to life with the Quiver App!

Students of 7th Primary School of Thebes bring their drawings to life with the Quiver App!

I'm azaleea... by students of 7th Primary School of Thebes Greece with ChatterPix

I am Carnation ... by students of 7th Primary School of Thebes Greece with ChatterPix

7th Primary School of Thebes Greece 'OUR VOICE!'

Train like an astronaut - 8th Primary School of Thebes Greece

8th Primary School of Thebes - Students introducing themselves with canva app

Coding activities for etwinning project

Our marine animals using STEM education | 7th Primary School of Thebes GREECE

Students of 7th Primary School of Thebes introduce themselves

Celebration of European Day of Languages

Netiquette rules

eTwinning Netiquette for eTwinning project 'Play, read, eat, create, be grateful, repeat ...'

Top ten tips to stay safe online by students of 7th Primary School of Thebes, Greece

Unhealthy eating habits effects - 8th Primary School of Thebes, Greece

Fairy Tale STEM | 7th Primary School of Thebes, Greece

My Little Book of BIG Freedoms | 7th Primary School of Thebes, Greece

7ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Θήβας / Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Αναπηρία

Ηχηρό ΟΧΙ των μαθητών/τριών του 7ου & 8ου Δημ. Σχ. Θήβας στον σχολικό και διαδικτυακό εκφοβισμό.

8ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Θήβας - Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Ατόμων με Αναπηρία

Reading the story of Malala Yousafzai

Christmas cards for our etwinning partners from other countries| 8th Primary School of Thebes,Greece