Все публикации

Conn's syndrome basics | signs | symptoms | Investigations | Treatment options

3 Factors contributing to pressure Natriusresis and Diuresis | Renal lec 105

Renal interstitial hydrostatic pressure | Interstitial colloid osmotic pressure

Renal system Lec 103 | Peritubular Capillary Hydrostatic pressure | Colloid osmotic pressure.

Reabsorption | Forces affecting Reabsorption rate | Hydrostatic pressure | Colloid osmotic pressure

How to measure water Reabsorption in renal tubules?? | Role of Inulin | Renal system lecture 100

Distal tubule | Cortical collecting tubule | Principal cells | K sparing diuretics | spironolactone

Loop of Henle | loop diuretics | Renal system lecture 94

Renal physiology 91 | Reabsorption in proximal tubule of Nephron | Urine formation

Renal system 89 | passive water Reabsorption | Osmosis | solvent drag

Secondary active secretion | counter transport | Renal system physiology lecture 85

secondary active Reabsorption | Co-transport | Renal system lecture 84

Renal system lecture 82 | Mechanisms of Tubular Reabsorption

Renal physiology 76 | Role of Macula densa in Autoregulation | Tubuloglomerular Feedback

Renal physiology lecture 71 | Effect of angiotensin 2 on GFR | Efferent arterioles

Determinants of renal blood flow | Kidneys physiology lecture 68

Factors that decrease Glomerular Filtration rate | Renal system lecture 66

Glomerular Capillary Hydrostatic pressure | Effects on GFR | Renal system 65

Glomerular Capillary colloid osmotic pressure | GFR | Renal system lecture 64

Renal system 62 | Glomerular Capillary Filtration coefficient

Renal system 60 | Effect of size and charge on Filterability | Glomerular Filtration

Kidney system 58 | Glomerular Capillary Membrane

Kidney system 54 | Glomerular Filtration | Reabsorption | Secretion

Atonic bladder | Overflow incontinence | Renal physiology lecture 49