Все публикации

John Waldron

Refolded folds (fold interference) in the Humber Arm Allochthon of western Newfoundland (stop ME)

Folded limestone in the Humber River Gorge, Newfoundland: Riverside Drive

What's this stereographic projection thing anyway?

Converting graphical exercises so that they can be done in PowerPoint

Geoscience Garden Tour

How to make a geological field map using Powerpoint

One more thing - the selection pane

11. Small circle

10. Fold axis

9. Plotting a line in a plane by rake

Visit to the Moho

8. Angle between two planes on the stereographic projection

7. Plane perpendicular to two other planes on the stereographic projection

4. Calculations with lines on the stereographic projection

6. Finding the intersection of two planes on the stereographic projection

5. Plot planes on the stereographic projection

3. Angle between two lines on the stereographic projection

2. Plotting a line on the stereographic projection.

1. Setting up the stereographic projection for plotting

First steps in on-screen geology: stereographic nets and other tools