Все публикации

.NET Flash cards for revising and remembering the concepts

Q. What are Component life cycle methods ?

Q. What are Constructors in class components ? When to use them ?

Q. What are the similarities between useState and useReducer hook ?

Q. What are Component life cycle phases ?

Q. What are the differences between useState and useReducer Hook ?

Q. What is the role of super keyword in constructor ?

Q. What is the role of render method in component life cycle ?

Q. What is useReducer hook ? When to use useState and when useReducer ?

Q. What are Route Parameters in React Routing ?

Q. What is the role of Switch Component in React Routing ?

Q. What is Spread Operator in JSX ?

Q. What are the 5 differences btw Functional components and Class components ?

Q. What is Transpiler?What is the difference between Compiler & Transpiler ?

Q. What is Prop Drilling in React ?

Q.What are the types of Conditional Rendering in JSX ?

Q. What are Class Components In React ?

Q. How to Implement Routing in React ?

Q. How to pass data between class components in React ?

Q. What is Routing and Router in React ?

Q. How do you pass data between functional components in React ?

Q. Why to Avoid Prop Drilling ? In how many ways can avoid Prop Drilling ?

Q. What are React Components? What are the main elements of it ?

Q. What are the Types of React components ? What are Functional Components ?