Все публикации

Projecting: A Climbing Short

Anti-Style: A Climbing Short

Examples of IMPROPERLY Giving Slack with a GriGri

How to Give Slack with a GriGri

Close Up: Giving Slack Quickly with a GriGri

How to Give Slack with an ATC

Talking Points: Falling Technique

Lead Climbing Commands

Rope Management Before the First Clip

Lead Fall Pendulum Forces

Which Factors Affect the Length of a Lead Fall? 🤔

Why is Back-Stepping Dangerous?

Back-Stepping Examples (and How to Correct Them)

What is Back-Stepping?

Why is Z-Clipping Dangerous?

What is Z-Clipping?

Why is Back-Clipping Dangerous?

What is Back-Clipping?

Clipping Practice Drill

Clipping Technique: Outside Clip

Clipping Technique: Inside Clip

Unsafe vs. Safe Clipping Technique

Lead Climbing Protection

Tying a Stopper Knot Before Flaking the Rope