Все публикации

Product Design Explained in 3 Minutes

How to Create Perfect Layouts with Golden Ratio.

How The Golden Ratio Shapes Modern Products !

Tech Wrapped: 2024’s Best Products in 10 Minutes

How Brands Secretly Shape Your Identity? | Product Psychology 101

The Story Behind Dyson: How Dyson Turned Engineering into Art?

The Evolution of Product Design: What It Means for 2025

Teenage Engineering : Design Analysis, Collaborations and Challenges...

Is 5 Years a Perfect Upgrade Cycle for an iPhone?

Firephone : The $170M Failure Behind Alexa & Kindle!

Braun vs. The World: How Today's Minimal Design is Influenced by Dieter Rams

Why Product Launches Don't Excite Us Anymore?

How Apple Slowly Perfects Its Iconic Products?

5 Product Innovations That Changed the Olympics Forever!

Why tech companies are making cars now?

The Innovation of Louis Vuitton’s Epi Leather 💼✨

How Hermès stitch its leather products? -Saddle Stitching 👜✨

History of Luxury Brands like Hermes, Louis Vuitton , Gucci etc. 👑✨

How did Car Design evolve over 100 Years?

Why Luxury Products are so Expensive? - POV of a Product Designer.

Sony Walkman - A journey to history of portable music.

Product Design Step 2 - How to do User research. #productdesign #design #industrialdesign

How Membrane Keyboard works?

Think Small - A Campaign that sold millions of Cars