Все публикации

Remineralizing Tooth Enamel?

MIND BLOWING - Vibration creates shape and shape creates Vibration

Energy vision - This man went missing after he created a device to see multidimentional beings

How to turn off pain

The mysteries behind CERN

The Mystery behind Reptilian Shapeshifters, Frequencies and Bells

Former Dutch Banker exposes the Cabal

How to fix / heal your eyes?

Demons and Nephilim

Communicating with other dimensions using our vision

Charles August Lindbergh

Using quantum Theories to manifest what we want

How to Steal Energy from the Universe

Map of the holy Land and REAL HISTORY

Jesus was never crucified?

Is this Amazons and Jeff Bezos real Story?

Illuminati Master Talks about Lucifer - Satan - Enki - Anunnaki

Mirror Gazing

Man tells Story how he appearently healed cancer which is obviously not possible without chemo

The secrets of the Vatican revealed in lost book

Why do your armpits stink?

Oil Pulling - Step by Step Guide

How to ALLEGEDLY get rid of any disease

Chief of disguise explains why celebritys look different nowadays