Все публикации

Broken Hope - Cannibal Crave (Guitar Cover)

Catacomb - Legion (Guitar Cover)

Dismember - Deathevokation (Guitar Cover)

Demigod - Perpetual Ascent (Guitar Cover)

Lymphatic Phlegm - T-shaped – The “Bucket-handle” Thoraco-Abdominal Incision (Guitar Cover)

Goatpenis - Chaos Dominium (Guitar Cover)

Root - Zjevení (Guitar Cover)

Goatpenis - Infinite Paths To The Land Of Suicide (Guitar Cover)

Impaled Nazarene - False Jéhova (Guitar Cover)

Lymphatic Phlegm - Causa Mortis - Transarterial Chemoembolization... (Guitar Cover)

Root - Hřbitov (Guitar Cover)

Broken Hope - Gobblin' The Guts (Guitar Cover)

Goatpenis - Intraspecific Killing (Guitar Cover)

Abysmal Lord - Scourge Of Christ (Guitar Cover)

Impaled Nazarene - Cyberchrist (Guitar Cover)

Lymphatic Phlegm - Far Beyond The Clinical Horizon... Pathological Paroxysm (Guitar Cover)

Root - 666 (Guitar Cover)

Impaled Nazarene - Kali Yuga (Guitar Cover)

Broken Hope - Gorehog (Guitar Cover)

Mysticum - The Rest (Guitar Cover)

Impaled Nazarene - Soul Rape (Guitar Cover)

Broken Hope - Awakened By Stench (Guitar Cover)

Mysticum - Black Magic Mushrooms (Guitar Cover)

Goatpenis - Last Burial Of The Human Race (Guitar Cover)