Все публикации

Are Presentations of Geometric Algebra 'Poorly Founded'? An Expert Opinion, and Expert Responses

Snellius-Pothenot Problem: New GA-Based Solutions

New Article: 'Revisiting the Hansen Problem: A Geometric Algebra Approach'

Russian Olympiad Geometry: A Vector Algebra Solution

A Geometric Algebra Solution to a Hard Contest Problem

A Geometric Algebra Solution to a 'Divided Triangle' Problem

Reminder: You Can Help Us Develop an Online GA Course!

You Can Help Develop an Online Geometric Algebra Class!

Handling Rejection! Using Geometric Algebra to Find the Incircle of a Triangle

Can Someone Do It Better? A GA Solution to an 'Almost Impossibly Hard' Problem

Via Geometric Algebra: Find the Radius and Center of a Triangle's Circumcircle

'An Overview of the Operations in Geometric Algebra'

Heron's Formula Derived via Geometric Algebra

Solving the Snellius-Pothenot Resection (Surveying) Problem via Geometric Algebra

'Challenge Problems' from Members of 'Pre-University Geometric Algebra'

Geometric Algebra Students Need a Textbook Like Miroslav Josipović's

“Impossible” Geometry; Electrical Engineering; and Quantum Mechanics: from “Pre-Uni GA” Members

How does Geometric Algebra Solve this 'Tough' Circle Problem?

Connections between the Fibonacci Sequence and Pythagoras: What Can GA Contribute?

How Can We Formulate Circles in Geometric Algebra (GA)?

A Simple Geometric Algebra Solution to a 'Hard' Vector Problem

There's Much for High-School GA Students in the SIGGRAPH 2022 Presentations

Make Two 3D Vectors Parallel by Rotating Them Around Separate Axes

How Can We Do this Better? GA User 'angeldude101' Offers Some Suggestions.