Все публикации

Section 1 BNS | Introduction to BNS | Section 1 Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita | Application of BNS

Types of Offer in Indian Contract Act | Types of Proposal | Cross Offer, Counter Offer, section 8,9

Proposal under Indian Contract Act 1872 | Essentials of Offer | Offer and Acceptance | Section 2(a)

What is Contract? Essentials of Valid Contract | Agreement and Contract | Section 2h, Section 10 ICA

Introduction to Indian Contract Act | What is Contract? | Law of Contract Part 1 | ICA 1872

Schools of hindu law | Mitakshara and Dayabhaga School | Difference between Mitakshara and Dayabhaga

Sources of Hindu Law | Introduction to Hindu Law | Hindu Law Sources | Shruti, Smriti, Custom etc

Who is a Hindu | Application of Hindu Law | Introduction to Hindu Law | Who is Hindu

Section 7 Indian Evidence Act | Occasion, Cause, Effect, Opportunity and State of Things

Section 6 of Indian Evidence Act | Doctrine of Res Gestae | Section 6 IEA | Indian Evidence Act

Section 5 of Indian Evidence Act | Relevant Facts and Facts in Issue | Relevancy and Admissibility

Section 121 to 124 CrPC | Section 121,122,123,124 CrPC | Chapter 8 CrPC

Section 111 to 120 CrPC | Chapter 8 - Security for Keeping Peace and for Good Behaviour

Section 106 to 110 CrPC | Section 106,107,108,109,110 CrPC | Security for Peace and Good Behaviour

Section 99 to 105 of CrPC | Section 99,100,101,102,103,104,105 CrPC | Chapter 7 CrPC

Section 42 TPA | Section 42 of Transfer of Property Act | Transfer of Property Act 1882 | S42 TPA

Section 93 to 98 CrPC | Search Warrants - Chapter 7 CrPC | Section 93,94,95,96,97,98 CrPC

Section 41 of Transfer of Property Act - Transfer by Ostensible Owner | Section 41 TPA

Section 40 of Transfer of Property Act | Section 40 TPA | Transfer of Property Act 1882 | S40 TPA

Section 39 of Transfer of Property Act | Section 39 TPA | Transfer of Property Act 1882

Section 38 of Transfer of Property Act | Section 38 TPA | Transfer of Property Act 1882

Section 91 and 92 CrPC | Summons to Produce | Section 91 and 92 of CrPC | Chapter 7 CrPC

Section 87 to 90 CrPC | Chapter 6 CrPC | Section 87,88,89,90 Code of Criminal Procedure

Section 82 to 86 CrPC | Proclamation and Attachment CrPC | Chapter 6 CrPC | Section 82,83,84,85,86