Все публикации

our short flim creation symbol

Battle time !!

ultimate valkyrie in high mode

mirage fafnir can spin steal !?(with the ultimate valkyrie beyblade)

ultimate valkyrie upgraded super powerful!!

ultimate valkyrie test spin

Ultimate valkyrie side look 👌

Ultimate Valkyrie beyblade

how to change dynamite belial from low to high best stamina killer

look at what I got guys !

Phoenix shield 🛡

Union Achilles short unboxing

unboxing turbo valtryek

new outro !!!!!! (part 2)

new intro guys !!!! (part 1)

Beyblade Burst Surge intro song

Making cardboard promeince phoniex working 👌👍|| beyblading legend

makeing brave valkyrie weird valkyrie 😂

A secret beyblade Burst made by me

how lui and guilty longinus win easily

Grand valtryek

fight between two plastic pieces and death diaboles but ................

astral spriggan and new bey coming 🤩

king helios and super hyperion beyblade Burstable !!!!!!!!!