Все публикации

Market Microstructure & Strategies

Stock Valuation and Risk

Stock Offerings and Investor Monitoring

Mortgage Markets

Bond Valuation and Risk

Bond Markets

Using Linear Regression in Excel for Time Series Forecasting

Using GAMMA.INV, RAND, COUNT, COUTIF, and Trials in Excel

Profitability Analysis in Excel Using Simulation Trials

Using NORM.INV, RAND, MAX, COUNT, COUNTIF, and Trials in Excel

Using SOLVER in Excel for Product Mix Decisions

Using Excel Profit Model Analysis

Using XLOOKUP and SORT in Excel to analyze price and sales data

Using SORT and COUNTIF in Excel to Analyze Employee Records

Using SORT in Excel to Analyze Unemployment Data

Exponential Smoothing Using Excel

Using SOLVER in Excel for Component Manufacturing

Money Markets

Monetary Policy

Functions or the Federal Reserve

Structure of Interest Rates

Using XLOOKUP, COUNTIF, and SORT in Excel to Calculate Grades

Using Filter and SUBTOTAL in Excel to Analyze Sales Data

Analyzing Supply Chain Data Using UNIQUE and SUMIF