Все публикации

Studying Coral Bleaching in Sri Lanka

Using tide gauge data to improve sea-level projections in Singapore

18th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium 2023

From Rifting to Subduction Initiation: Cenozoic Tectonics South of New Zealand

The rising tide: monitoring sea levels change to guide adaptive flood management

Energy budget of desert hedgehogs (Paraechinus aethipicus) in Qatar

Flooding and Geomorphic Adjustment along the Lower Mississippi River

A new method to monitor carbon flux from peatlands #ClimateChange

18th APRU Multi-Hazards Symposium 2023

EOS launches new station to monitor land-height and sea-surface changes in Singapore

Why coral reefs are key to climate resilience

Future Cities Asia Trailer

Looking into the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake throughthe lens of earthquake sequence simulations

Towards Sustainability Through Ecology And Engineering Of Microbial Systems

Nature Based Solutions for Sustainable in Global South

Polar Impact Asia

Polar Impact Asia Trailer

Earth Girl Nature

Earth Girl Ocean

Climate Chat – How can you start taking climate action?

Adaptations to Volcanic Eruptions, Tsunamis, Droughts, and Floods In Early Modern Southeast Asia

Are cities literally sinking?

Historical carbonaceous pollution reconstructed using marine & lake sediments

Climate change impacts on mountain landscapes and infrastructure: the case of High Mountain Asia