Все публикации

Spanish Lesson 83 - Spanish Pronunciation Basic rules ACCENTS STRESS the right syllable

Spanish Lesson 82 - ADJECTIVES of feelings emotions mood in Spanish Most common ADJECTIVES

Spanish Lesson 81 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 10 100 most used qualifying adjectives

Spanish Lesson 80 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 9 100 most used qualifying adjectives

Spanish Lesson 79 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 8 100 most used descriptive adjectives

Spanish Lesson 78 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 7 100 most used descriptive adjectives

Spanish Lesson 77 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 6 100 most used basic expressions

Spanish Lesson 74 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 3 100 most used basic expressions

Spanish Lesson 72 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 1 100 most used basic adjectives

Spanish Lesson 75 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 4 100 most used basic adjectives

Spanish Lesson 73 - Most common ADJECTIVES in Spanish PART 2 100 most used basic Spanish words

Spanish Lesson 71 - Descriptive ADJECTIVES agreement in Spanish masculine feminine singular plural

Spanish Lesson 70 - Household CHORES in Spanish Vocabulary Cleaning the house La Limpieza

Spanish Lesson 69 - CLEANING supplies in Spanish Household chores Vocabulary Cleaning products

Spanish Lesson 68 - Home APPLIANCES in Spanish Household Vocabulary Utensils Parts of the house

Spanish Lesson 67 - FURNITURE in Spanish Vocabulary Parts of the house Muebles en español

Spanish Lesson 66 - Furniture in the OFFICE in Spanish Office supplies stationery Vocabulary

Spanish Lesson 65 - Furniture in the LIVING ROOM and DINING ROOM in Spanish PARTS OF THE HOUSE

Spanish Lesson 64 - KITCHEN UTENSILS in Spanish Vocabulary Utensilios de cocina en español

Spanish Lesson 63 - Items IN THE BATHROOM in Spanish ROOMS and PARTS OF THE HOUSE Vocabulary

Spanish Lesson 62 - Furniture IN THE BEDROOM in Spanish ROOMS and PARTS OF THE HOUSE Vocabulary

Spanish Lesson 61 - ROOMS and PARTS OF THE HOUSE in Spanish Partes de LA CASA en español

Spanish Lesson 60 - PLURAL NOUNS in Spanish SINGULAR and PLURAL rules Making nouns plural

Spanish Lesson 59 - NEGATIVE SENTENCES in Spanish NEGATION in Spanish NEGATIVE WORDS