Все публикации

Major blood vessels of the abdominal wall - Quick Anatomy | Kenhub

Largest cell in the human body #funfacts

Medical students at lunch #medicalschool

Which subject was the first to make medstudents cry? #medicalstudent

How to learn muscle anatomy - tip 2 #anatomy

Pretending I’m gonna retain #anatomy

We asked ChatGPT to draw the anatomy of the brain #brainawareness

Anatomy on the run: Kenhub hits the track! #anatomy

Kenhub has a Scholarship Program for healthcare students! #scholarship

Last year’s Kenhub Scholarship awardee #scholarship

What is hemineglect syndrome? #clinicalanatomy

Oral cancer: Treatment | Kenhub #oralcancer

Oral cancer: Causes | Kenhub #oralcancer

Meningitis: Symptoms | Kenhub #meningitis

Meningitis: Treatment | Kenhub #meningitis

Hyperopia: Diagnosis & treatment | Kenhub #hyperopia

Hyperopia: Definition & symptoms | Kenhub #hyperopia

Milium: Treatment | Kenhub

Milium: Definition | Kenhub

Liver cirrhosis: Clinical presentation | Kenhub #livercirrhosis

Liver cirrhosis: Definition | Kenhub #livercirrhosis

Polycystic kidney disease: Treatment | Kenhub #polycystickidneydisease

Polycystic kidney disease: Symptoms | Kenhub

Spina bifida: Prevention | Kenhub #spinabifida