Все публикации

I. Giannopoulou, Optimizing Adolescent and Youth Mental Health Services for Gen Z in Greece

N. SPENCER, The History and Future of Social Pediatrics

S. CANA-MICHAELIDOU, The Miracle of Digital Technology

N. ZAFAR Protection of youth in low and middle income countries

N. Vlahos, Fertility preservation in adolescents post menarche

S. YILDIZ Forced Migration

C. Dalucas - D. Fouskas, Primary care pediatrics Input and Challenges

S. MANETTI LGBTQ friendly services

P. VLAMOS, Artificial intelligence A future for humanity

P. Antsaklis, Breaking bad news to parents

K. Pappa, Gestational Diabetes in Refugee and Immigrant Women

J. GOLDHAGEN Armed Conflict

J. EINARSDOTTIR Street and Working Children

I. Seeni, Climate change through policy

G. YILMAZ, Post modern stress

G. LANSDOWN Child Rights in the Digital World

G. GUNNLAUGSSON, School performance and difficulties

G. ERCAN Climate Change and Mental Health

G. Daskalakis, Low birth rate and ageing population in Greece

E. WEIMANN Climate Change and Health

E. MARKIDOU Childhood obesity in Cyprus Ways to deal with it

E. NTZANI Healing roots, Fostering child health resilience in a complex world

E. FAPPA Stigma in society and healthcare Learnings from weight stigma

E. Haghnazarian Climate change and migration