Все публикации

C value, C value paradox, C value enigma, cot curve

Lignocellulolytic enzymes and Lignocellulosic microorganisms

Molecular Combing

Plasmid Isolation/Plasmid Purification

Nucleic acid purification and Yield analysis

Types of PCR

RNA Editing

PCR (Polymerase chain reaction)

DNA fingerprinting technique

Chromosome Walking Technique l easy to learn l complete notes

Giant Chromosomes l Polytene Chromosome l Lampbursh chromosome l complete notes

Translation in Eukaryotes l part 3 l easy to learn l complete notes

Translation in prokaryotes l part 2 l easy to learn l complete notes

Translation in prokaryotes l part 1l easy to learn l complete notes

Plant cloning Vectors

Complementation test l cis- trans test for functional allelism l easy to learn l complete notes

Self Splicing Introns (Group I and Group II introns)

Deciphering Genetic code l Genetic code part 2 l easy to learn

RNA Splicing part 1 ( spliceosome)

RNA processing (post transcriptional modifications of pre m-RNA) 5'Capping, poly A tail addition

Transcription in Eukaryotes

Transcription in prokaryotes

Vectors part3 (Yeast Cloning vectors)

Vectors part 2 (M13 phage and lambda phage)