Все публикации

HABAKKUK 2 New Living Translation - (onscreen text)

HABAKKUK 3 New Living Translation - (onscreen text)

JOHN 1 verses 1-14 - the WORD - KJV AUDIO reading (onscreen text)

One fruit of suffering - Christina Hall

Love your enemies

Even dogs obey Him - a Christina Hall witness

Christ displaces worry

Living in the TIME of the END - (the final movements will be rapid ones)

The love of GOD - by Frederick M. Lehman (spoken)

MARK Ch15, Lesson 12 'Tried and crucified' - Dr Tim Jennings

MARK Ch14, Lesson 11 'Taken and Tried' - Eve Knight

Children of the promise

Decision time - the 7th day Sabbath

Why 10 Commandments? - A blog by Dr Tim Jennings

THE METHODS OF GOD - part-reading of a blog by Dr Tim Jennings

Ready to meet Jesus - a blog by Dr Tim Jennings

Repairers of the breach - a condensed blog from Dr Tim Jennings

Revealing the lawless one - a blog by Dr T.R. Jennings

The wooden table

Mark Ch13, 'The Last Days' - Dr Tim Jennings

GOD, or no god? That is the question - Life through Christina's eyes

MATTHEW 24 the Remedy

LOVING OTHERS - 1 Cor 15:55-58 - MUSIC: 'Love conquers' Scott Buckley

In the Blink of an eye - 1 Cor 15:50-54 REM - MUSIC: 'new beginnings' Scott Buckley