Все публикации

experiment no.5 | determin e the critical angle of glass using glass prisum #physicspractical

experiment no.4 | measurment of focal length of convex lens by displasment method #physicspractical

experiment no.3 | to find refraction index of water using concave mirror. #physicspractical

experiment no. 2(b) | to find the volume of sphare by using micrometr screw guage #physicspractical

Experiment no. 2(a) | to find the area of cross- section of wire by screw-guage. #physicspractical

practical no. 1 | to determine the volume of cylinder by using vernier calipar #physicspractical

graph paper | Board of intermediate and secondary education faisalabad #physicspractical

board of intermediate and secondry education Faislabad #physics #practicle #physicspractical

pag 149 | vector space

#2 | experiment l obesrvation l inferences

experiment | observations | inferences

#19 | find out amount of I2 pet 250 cm3 for its given solution volumetrically.

#18 | iodimetric titration: standrize solution of iodine.

#17| Determin solubilty of oxalic acid at room temprature volumetrcally.

#16 | standarize given Mohr's salt solution by voulemetric method. using 0.02 M kMNO4.

#15 | Redox titration: standarize the given solution of KMNO4.(part#2)

#15 | Redox titration: standarize the given solution of KMNO4.(part#1)

#14 | A mixture of 1.25g ofHCl and NaCl has been dissolved in 250 cm3 of solution.

#13 | determine the ammount of acetic acid in 1000cm3 vinegar volumetrucally.

#12 | 10.0g of particular brand of caundry soap has been dissolved per 500cm3 of solution.

#11 | 4.9g of adibasic acid (H2A) has been dissolved perdm3. determine the moliculat mass of acid.

#10 | the given solution contains 8g of mixture of HC2O4.2HO and NaCo4 dissolved perdm3 of solution.

#8 | given solution contains 5.6g of MoH dissolved perdm3 of solution.find out atomic mass of metal.

#7 | find out the precentage puriy of 0.5% solution of NaoH volumetrically.