Все публикации

Install PYTHON 3.12.1 on Windows 10/11 (64bit /32bit) | Run first python script + Switch Interpreter

Gas Turbine Performance Engineering (Power Augmentation with Mechanical Chillers)

Install PYTHON 3.9.4 on Windows 10 (64 and 32bit) + run python script

PyCharm Tutorial #4 Basic Editing and Shortcut Keys in PyCharm IDE for Beginners


What are Chillers | How Compression and Absorption Chillers Work

Install Python 3.9.2 on Windows 10 (64 and 32bit) | New Release + Run first Python Script

Create GitHub Account and Repository + Why you Need a GitHub Account

PyCharm Tutorial #3: Rename Project, Appearance, Keymap, Plugins, Git, GitHub Settings in PyCharm

PyCharm Tutorial #2 - Terminal, Python Console, Favorites, TODO + Others with Simple Examples

Gas Turbine Compressor Offline Wash - Solar Mars 100 GT

Pycharm Tutorial #1 - Create New Project and Python File In Pycharm + Setup for Beginners

Organic Flash Cycle Thermodynamic Performance Model | Part 3 - Point 1, 5, 8 & Cycle Peformance

Organic Flash Cycle Thermodynamic Performance Model | Part 2 - Point 3, 4, 6, 7 & 9 model of the OFC

Organic Flash Cycle Thermodynamic Performance Model | Part 1- Setup, Assumptions & Point 2 model ✔♨

PyCharm Tutorial - Install, and Uninstall Python Packages in PyCharm + examples with Pygame, IAPWS

Seasons Greetings from DoxaTech

Organic Fluid Selection Criteria for the Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)

How to Insert Files | MP4 PDF PPT Word Document | YouTube Video in Excel

How to install Free CoolProp Fluid Property Library in PyCharm IDE for Python

HP Printer Not Printing Color, Only Black and White on Windows 10 and Windows 11| SOLVED

Install PyCharm 2020.3 IDE for Python on Windows 10 + run your first program

How to Download and Install Python 3.9.1 on windows 10 + run your first python program

Performance Model of the Toluene Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) with CoolProp Fluid Properties Library