Все публикации

How to Install Oracle 10g for WIndow System | Oracle 10 g

How to Download and Install Bluej in Window System|| Java install | BlueJ|

Write a Program to count the number of vowels present in a text file in Python.

Write a program to display ASCII code of a character and vice versa.

Write a program to Check Whether the given number is Palnidrome or not.

Write a program to generate random number between 1 to 6,check whether a user guess a number or not.

Write a Program to create a result in Python and Display it accordingly.|| Result|| Grade|| Python.

Write a Program to check whether the given string is Palindrome or not.|| Palindrome String||String

WAP to find whether an given number is Perfect number or not. || CS Assignment -2 ||Perfect Number

WAP to enter two number and print the arithmetic Operator like +,-,*,/,// and %. Arithmetic Operator

Write a c program to check whether a number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not,

WAP to check whether the given number is negative, positive or Zero in C.

WAP to find maximum between three number in C|| WAP in C to find largest among three numbers

WAP to find maximum between two number is C. || WAP in c to find largest among two numbers

Write a C program to enter base and height of a triangle and find its area.

Write a C program to enter P, T, R and calculate Simple Interest.

Write a C program to enter length in centimeter and convert it into meter and kilometer.

Write a C Program to enter radius of a Circle and find its diameter , Circumference and area,

How to Create Database in MSAccess|| Create Table in MSAccess || Fetch Query in MSAccess.

Write a C Program to input three numbers. Display the sum and Average of three number.

Java code to input the name and basic salary of an emp.Calculate gross & net salary of the employee.

code to input the name and basic salary of an employee Calculate gross and net salary of the emp

Write a Java code to input three numbers. Display the sum and Average of three number.

Write a Python code to input three numbers and Display the sum and Average of three number.