Все публикации

Light Dependent Resistor Circuit #engineering #shorts

Soldering MIDI DIN Breakout Board #shorts #engineering #soldering

Transistor LED Switch Circuits #engineering #LED

3 Early Engineering Career Development Tips and What to Expect

MIDI circuit and key velocity #music #engineering

MIDI Decode

Teenage Engineering EP-133 K.O. II Overview | Sampler | Sequencer | Signal Processor | Music Gear

Arduino and Python Real Time Plot Animation | Lesson 1 Getting Started | PySerial MatPlotLib

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Basics

Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) Speed Test | Arduino Zero | Part 2

Digital to Analog Converter (DAC) Speed Test | Arduino Zero | Part 1

Using Lambda Function in Menu for Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python PySerial - Lesson 7

Adding a Basic Menu to Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python PySerial - Lesson 6

Adding an Error Messagebox to Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python Pyserial - Lesson 5

Adding an Entry Box to Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python Pyserial - Lesson 4

Adding an Option Menu to Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python Pyserial - Lesson 3

Adding a Checkbox to Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python Pyserial - Lesson 2

LED Blink Tkinter GUI - Arduino Python PySeral - Lesson 1

Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier Part 2

Design A Tremolo Guitar Effect Pedal - Using LED and Photoresistor

Arduino and Python Serial Communication with PySerial Part 2 - Adding User Input

Arduino and Python Serial Communication with PySerial Part 1

Vbe Multiplier - Class AB Transistor Audio Amplifier Application Tutorial

Common Emitter Transistor Amplifier Part 1