Все публикации

Run my tutorials on your machine!

Simulate 1000 Double Pendulums in Python! (Lagrangian Mechanics)

Kapitza Pendulum: Model + Simulate + Animate (Lagrangian Mechanics)

Model and Simulate Elastic Pendulum in Python (Lagrangian Mechanics)

MATLAB Live Script Won't Open? Easy 3 Minute Fix!

Animate Spring Mass with Affine Transformations in Python

Model + Simulate Spring Mass in Python

EE 214 Final Review Session (Thursday)

Simulate + Animate Simple Pendulum in Python

Simple Pendulum with Python + Sympy

Simple Pendulum without Forces? Lagrangian Mechanics 101

Lagrangian Mechanics 101 with Python: An Overview

Inverted Pendulum P Controller Test 2 - October 11, 2022

Inverted Pendulum P Controller Test 1 - October 8, 2022

Linear Systems: Gramian Matrix and W test

Project 1 Walkthrough using Simulation

Testing the ALU on SAP-1