Все публикации

xdfopen netcdf with ctl file in GrADS

HBV light: An overview of Graphical User Interface

Models Uncertainties in South Asian Summer Monsoon Projections

GCMs projecting regional rice and wheat climate

MODIS snow cover download using AppEEARS

Regional Climate of South Asia

How to mosaic (merge, combine) rasters (DEM) in ArcMap

Parameterization experiment on the effect of temperature on snow albedo and snow depth

Downloading SRTM DEM 30m (1 arc-second) for climate change impacts assessments

Regional precipitation response to regional warming in past and future climate

HBV light- Hydrological Modeling in climate change perspective (Case study of Soan River Basin).

Regional Comparison between Global Circulation Model GCM20 and Regional Climate Model PRECIS