Все публикации

What is specified services or specified technologies ? #customsbroker #specifiedservices #customs

When notifications became effective #cblr #customsbroker #parliament #foreigntrade

Section 7 of The Customs Tariff Act 1975 #cta1975 #customsbroker #cblr

CBLR Exam 2025 I Fresh Batch Announcement I Starts from 1st Aug I Prof. Rajesh Tayal

Import deosnt involve purchase or sell #cblr #customsbroker #foreigntrade #import #importexport

About the goods which are bought to India only for repairs and maintainence #cblr #customsbroker

Order in which outstanding liabilities must be settled #cblr #settlements #outstandingliabilities

Work of National Company Law Tribunal NCLT #nclt #companylaw #companiesact #ministryofcorporate

What is Denied Entity List #del #ftp2023 #foreigntrade #cblr #importexport #import #fta #trade

Authority of DGFT when application is applied #cblr #customsbroker #dgft #customs #customduty #ftp

Who classify Goods #cblr #classificationofgoods #customsbroker #customs #customsduty #gst

When the Import is complete ? #cblr #customsbroker #import #importexport #foreigntrade #customduty

Basics of SION #sion #inputoutputnorms #cblr #gst #foreigntrade #customsbroker

Export is a Zero Rated Transaction #cblr #gst #customsbroker #export Export #exportimport

Work of DGFT #dgft #cblr #customsbroker #gst #foreigntrade #ftp2023 #ftdra1992 #ftrr1993 #customs

Reason for Duty Drawback #cblr #customsbroker #dutydrawback #customs #customsduty #gst

What is Redemption Fine #cblr #customsbroker #Redemptionfine #foreigntrade #gst #ftp2023 #customs

What happen when records are seized #cblr #customsbroker #seizure #foreigntrade #customsduty

What is Canalizing Agencies #cblr #customsbroker #canalizingagencies #canalizacion #gst

Difference between Suspension and Cancellation #cblr #customsbroker #ftp2023 #foreigntrade

Introduction to G Card Exam I Eligibility I Syllabus I Course Subscription I Prof. Rajesh Tayal

Quantitative Restrictions are imposed on..... #cblr #customsbroker #ftp2023 #foreigntrade #gst

Concept of Quantitative Restriction #ftp2023 #ftdra1992 #ftrr1993 #customsbroker #foreigntrade

Measures to protect Domestic Industry #cblr #customsbroker #domesticindustry #foreigntrade #customs