Все публикации

Papp István: Ionization Dynamics in Laser Irradiated Matter Doped with Nanoantennas for NAPLIFE

Bence Dudás: Proton trajectory reconstruction for Proton CT with machine learning algorithms.

Jólesz Zsófia: Image reconstruction with proton computed tomography

Daróczy Dániel: Generalization bounds via estimation of tangent sensitivity tensors of ReLU networks

Nagy Dániel: Heterogenous CPU-GPU differential equation solver

Natabara Máté Gyöngyössy: Large World Models: Takeaways & Review

Indig Balázs: Humanities and Large Language Models -- The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship

Erényi István: European and Hungarian STI Ecosystem EuroHPC JU partnership and national HPC policy

Tóth Bálint: High-performance multi-GPU EEG signal processing

Pintér Ádám: Monitoring ALICE Analysis Facility infrastructure: operation and visibility

Zeyu Wang: Tensor Core Computing: an example on Independent Component Analysis

Berényi Dániel: Parallel image reductions over polygon masks

Pál Balázs: Simulations of Rotating Newtonian Universes

Kacskovics Balázs: Numerical Analysis of Mismatch Between Eccentric GW Modeling Numerical Codes

Naszvadi Péter: Reduction and efficient solution of MILP models of mixed Hamming packings yielding

Haba Tamás: GPU acceleration of the Simple Cell Mapping algorithm

Dávid Ernő: Implementing CERN GBT and lpGBT link arrays in Intel Arria 10 FPGA

Nagy László Gergely: Real-Time Sensor Data Recording and Processing for an Autonomous Vehicle

Rákos Dániel: Going explicit with your GPU workloads using Vulkan

Zoltán Simon: Time evolution simulation of the quantum mechanical wave function in 3D space

Benedek Kristóf: Synchronization and Topology Analysis in European High-voltage Power Grids

Menczer Andor: Scaling Tensor Network Algorithms on Massive Multi-Node Multi-GPU Supercomputers

Legeza Örs: Towards exascale computation of quantum systems - Industrial perspectives

Nagy Dániel: Hybrid Quantum-Classical Reinforcement Learning in Latent Observation Spaces