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Are You Wasting Time on Social Media as a WRITER?

I wasn't going to post this video....

Essential Pre-Publishing Tips for Your Novel | #PublishingPath

Today's Book Store is...

Today's Book Store #books

today's bookstote #books

Today's Bookshop... #books

Do you write out of order?

Jenolan Caves Road Escarpment, NSW Australia 7:30 am

Stuck for an idea - Roll The Dice

Plotting for Writers who Hate Plotting LIVE Writing at Random📝💡

Systems Aren't Magic LIVE Get Stuff Done Together📝💡

Happy GIVE UP on your Resolutions Day

'AI Stole My Book!'

My words fail me but my heart is full

Writing with Dyslexia

Writing Prompt 025

How publishing has changed | #PublishingPath Highlight

Writing a Memoir | #PublishingPath Highlight

Literary VS Genre | #PublishingPath Highlight

Christmas in Australia

Show VS Tell | #PublishingPath Highlight

Writers, are you afraid of AI? | #PublishingPath Highlight

Describing Objects in Writing | #PublishingPath Highlight