Все публикации

Baptist Reads BOM... #mormon

Reading The Book Of Mormon

Steven Lawson Falls...

How many gods are there for LDS?

BAPTIST And MORMON Discuss Theology (TikTok live)

'Christian' Flat Earther Disproven! 🌎

This Bible 'ERROR' Is Destroying People's Faith....

Why Mormons Are Not Christians...

No Human is Good... Here's why

Does God Sin When He K*lls?

His DANGEROUS Belief on Heaven and Hell

Is This Okay For a Church To Do? 🧐

When These Religions Realize The TRUTH 🙊

Jesus Said Honor Parents But Also HATE Them?😲

Is Jesus the same God in the Old Testament?🚨

His View On Religion Is... 🤔🚨

Things will be CRAZY no matter who wins.. is the there Hope?

Am I a LIAR? 🤔 Bible Contradiction EXPLAINED! 🚨 #religioustext

The Olympics MOCKED Jesus....

'Contradictions' In The Bible EXPLAINED EP:1

They Found a CONTRADICTION IN the Bible?😲

Here's How Atheists Are Hypocrites....

Who Incited David? Bible Contradiction?

DEBUNKING Bible Contradictions 🤔 Jesus's Genealogies